Monday, May 31, 2010

Change to better

Today, there are some changes in my class. Those who applied for change stream or class have gained what they wished for. There are 7 people in my class have change to their respective classes. May San and Ka Neng are one of the 7. Wish they do their best in the class and don't miss me so much. *Think too much*

We always make change so that it come out better than the previous one. Change to better not worse is what we hope and wish for. However, do you really think it will turn out as what you wish? I will say SOMETIMES. We can't always get what we want as we are not the one who decides everything.

When the god shut one of your door, there will be another open one waiting for you. That's the life we all have. Give and take concept which always happen in our daily life. So, just do your best when you have decide something and don't ever complain or regret of it.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life in Kajang High School

It's just the third week I'm in Kajang High, but I already can make a conclusion for my form 6 life. My form 6 life is just surrounded by jungle and ants. It's so ironic that this kind of place is just too perfect for biology students like me. *shaking my head and sighing*

I'm still the joker in the class and the noise-amplifier just like who I am in the past 11 years. Thanks to all my classmates who tolerate with me. V^-^V

The teachers are all too nice. Up till now, there's still none of them go mad because of our noisiness. However, there's teacher who doesn't know how to teach or I should say too fresh in term of experience. *wonder what the school trying to do with my STPM result*

Last but not least, I'm sure my weight will gain in no time because KFC n Pizza Hut are too near to us. Damn it, I had 3 times of fast foot in this 2 weeks. Moreover, I have spent my money like how I use the tap water. All thanks to the STRATEGY LOCATION.

Stress is coming and I know I'll be very busy start from next month.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

If I were a bit richer than what I am now

It's all about money in my mind now. When will I get to be a rich and succeed white collar? How much can I earn in an hour? It's just money, money, and money.

Experience has made me know that money is everything in this this man-made hell. We can't survive with no money in our bank account or wallet. We can't do what we want or even have a dream if we are such a poor dude.

Many tell me that I'm too well-planned when it's come to my future. I have planned that when I should marry, how many kid I want to have, what school I want to let my kid study and many more. It's sound weird to everyone where you hear a 18 year old form 6 student who already planned these kind of things in his mind. But, the life and experience I have been through tell me that I should plan it as early as I can. Achieve it or not is another story but the plan should have in your mind since young.

Believe me, you would not want your kid to suffer what you having now and the regrets you may have when you were young. Money is just the everything and that everything is depends on money.

It's so ironic that I always wish I were born in a family which richer than what I'm having now. It's not a sin because everyone of us always want something better than what we have. I'm just sometimes disappoint with what I have. It's not that I don't like my family, it's just I want more than what my family can give me.

Friday, May 21, 2010

That's our government.

Today is the day when the JPA scholarship result will out. We have been informed that the result will be out at 3p.m. I have been waiting from 3 till 4 and the result finally out.

But it's really pissed me off because we can't access that web and have to keep refresh until there's something appear. What I saw are the scheme that the JPA used to evaluate us. It's so ironic that 60% of JPA scholarship is based on the race population and 20% is based on academic achievement. What the hell!!! I thought this year is totally different because of the what we called 1-MALAYSIA concept. But looks like the government is still the government.

It's always so nice to tell but when they really do it, it's just another selfish action. That's our government and that's 1-MALAYSIA.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010




这个星期就是我等待已久的JPA放榜日。虽然说机会渺茫,但人总是带着希望成长的,所以我现在正处两种心情。拿到,很高兴能出国读书,但却要面对与友人的离别。拿不到,必须完成FORM 6 的艰难考试,但能有友人再度过两个年头。

Friday, May 14, 2010

First step to make myself famous

I'm now the class monitor of 6BH in Kajang High School. I'm getting this position with no objection and vote. It's so ironic that I volunteered myself and asked others to vote for me during the introduction and before enter the class.

Being the class monitor is just the first step for me to get popular among my friends and teachers so that I can be the president of Student Association in the coming year. I always want to be the leader and lead others to the top, but this time is much different. I finally know that how awesome it is to be a leader and I want to train myself so that I can stand in front and be the one who leads.

Whoever read this post, do not hate me or hit me because I'm still the one you all know. The ego guy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Registration day

After a long vacation, finally I have to wear the school uniform again. Today is the registration day and it's totally boring and lame. This whole week will be the orientation program. I'm not sure will it be ok for the next few days but today is totally boring. We are like loafers doing nothing but just walk here and there.

Just hope everything will be fine when I get into the class and start my study life.

Friday, May 7, 2010

If you can'd do it, then don't say it.

It's time to be more matured and take care of my attitude. Don't try to say something child-liked and irresponsibility.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Preparation before the war

Today is a blood-bleeding day. Before the great war ( STPM ) is started, my friends and I have to prepare to enter the lower six which prepare us not only mentally but also physically to withstand the great war which will come on the next year......( It's next year and what you scare of???)

Went to Kajang town to buy my SOLDIER UNIFORM which in whole white while YH and chee yan bought their lady's like with maroon skirt. The dressing rooms were quite small until you can see the entire room if your walk close it. Don't worry, I didn't peek on YH and Chee Yan.....XD

After that, we had our lunch in McD. I really wanted to have the MEGA MAC, the new burger which doubled the size of BIG MAC. Luckily that I didn't make that order because I already feel full with the BIG' N TASTY..... I'm so surprised that Her Jin can finish one Fillet O' Fish and a McChicken which both of them are in set.

Later on, we went to Parkson to buy my bag. I'm quite the picky dude because I want to find something simple but not ordinary also with a reasonable price. In the end, I managed to get a nice bag with RM71.92 after 20% off. YH said will sponsor me RM20 for that bag as my birthday present, happy xia....XD

Then, Czip Lee become a place where we buy ours stationary. I have bought some books, pencil case , stationary and a calculator.

Bata, we went to it to buy ours school shoe but YH is the only who get what she wants. Jerry doesn't want any of them because doesn't have his type, Kung fu shoe. For me, they don't have my size. It's really hard for me to buy shoe because I got a pair of big damn foot.

When I arrive home, my mom told me that one of the pants I bought is a different size. Oh my god, I have to change it as soon as possible. Hope they will change it for me because IT's THEIR MISTAKE NOT MINE.

The overall trip has made me to spend around RM300 and I haven't get a pair of shoe yet. Hope what I bought today won't become something useless in the future.

~~~~ ROCK & ROLL BABY~~~~

Saturday, May 1, 2010









就像这样,A型的压抑及白羊座的热情不断交战并煎熬着你,终有一日,你再也按捺不住心中澎湃的热情时,你会鼓起勇气向对方表达你的浓浓爱意。  如果对方在你向他表达之后接受了你的爱意,你会欢天喜地,感激得痛哭流涕,但若是对方拒绝了你,则仿佛世界末日来临,你无法承受如此打击,而显得自暴自弃,沮丧不已,生命也不再具有任何意义。  
即使是A型白羊座的女性,个性也很强,绝不会把主权交给男性,一旦鼓起勇气表达爱意后,亦会倾注所有的热情。  就像轰轰烈烈的爱情一样,在性欲方面也是十分强烈,但并非纠缠不休的型态,因此,进行性行为时可能速战速决,很快便结束。而你的性生活,刚开始可能不会配合对方的步调,这是因为A型白羊座的人原本就没有从容的心情。  








你工作的时候,目标意识十分强烈,而且充满了活力,干劲十足。但是,在机会未来临之前,或是陷入进退两难的境地时,便会显得非常焦躁不安,甚至你会自暴自弃,容易浪费精力,这是由于你缺乏耐心的急躁性格所致,因此你无法安心地等待。  在你朝着目标前进时,若没有遇到任何特别重大的阻碍,你还可发挥出出类拔萃的能力,干劲十足。但若是你转攻为守,或是运气不太好,遇到难以克服的障碍时,你会很快的丧失耐性及毅力,无法自我把持,这是你最大的弱点。如果你能弥补这一缺陷,善于控制你的双重性格,才有成功的可能,获得财富、地位及声望。  


